
Software Engineer at Varian

July 2021 - Present | Pune, India

Varian is is an American radiation oncology treatments and software maker based in Palo Alto, California. It is dedicated to forging a new, more unifying, smarter standard of oncology—connecting us all through more intelligent data, insights, and solutions to realize our vision of a world without fear of cancer.

Software Developer at Blubirch

July 2019 - June 2021 | Bangalore, India

Blubirch is high growth Indian startup headquatered in the city of Bangalore. I worked as member of their core team. It's a company which works primarily in the reverse supply chain and is doing a great job by building a solution which is both financially feasible & environmentally sustainable. This space has great potential and is very much need of the hour to reduce the imapcts of climate change. Built infrastructure for the returns management system and improved the overall process by developing a grading system which runs on a set of configurable rules based system.

I worked on building a 360 solution which aims to help the clients keep 98% plus inventory away from landfill and put in the hands of new users. Optimised the previous systems that allows ease of return by customer or dealers, automates returns routing from initiation to final disposition through data driven solution and makes remarketing across multiple secondary channels intelligent.