Technical Articles

Log4J: Vulnerability & Mitigation Strategy

If you are somehow related to tech world you must have heard about the Log4J or Log4Shell vulnerability which has been doing the rounds in news and tech organisations these days. So let’s dig into the issue straight and find what actually went wrong.

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Manage backups in Google Firebase-Firestore

Firebase seems to have been providing great built in features and documentations for it’s users. Although when it comes to backups they are slightly lacking in features and tools. Let's dive in and have a look at the manual & automated approaches which can be implemented to save your project in case of a disater. Further we will have a look into the optimization of the startegy to achieve minimum monthly bill.

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Beginners guide to Dropdowns in Vue.js

Vue is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. Unlike other monolithic frameworks, Vue is designed from the ground up to be incrementally adoptable. So here we will be looking into different dropdowns applicable in Vue.js right from the select method to the vue-multiselect.

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Blubirch Software Developer Interview Experience

Blubirch is high growth Indian startup headquatered in the city of Bangalore. Recently it came in our college to hire undergrads for the profile of Software Developer. Here is the overall interview experince which included 5 rounds on interviews.

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